Practice Areas: Policy and Regulatory Experience

Ten-Year Energy Outlook for the State of Maryland
PERI teamed with other local firms to assist the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) in developing a Ten-Year Outlook for the state that was published in January 2010. The Outlook report focuses on growing a green economy with a robust workforce, reducing electricity consumption, expanding renewable energy (especially wind, solar and biomass), and promoting energy independence. PERI developed a ten-year energy demand and supply forecast for the years 2009 through 2018, including comparison and analysis of supply and demand issues and options. Market projections included estimates for fulfilling the States Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard that requires 20% by 2022. The work was monitored by an Advisory Committee, appointed by the MEA. Click here for PDF of Report.

Health and Safety Standards for the Nigerian Electric Regulatory Council (NERC)
PERI implemented a USTDA funded project to develop national safety codes and standards for the power electrical power industry in Nigeria. This work included surveying several electrical generating facilities and substations, developing a 1,000 page document covering all aspects of safety for the industry, developing guidelines for the restructuring of the inspectorate arm of the NERC, and implementing in-country training of the new standards. The work also interfaced with other donor agencies including the World Bank Organization, the U.S. State Department, and USAID. This project resulted in a set of standards that are unique to the region and covers all aspects of power generation, transmission and distribution.

Wind Energy Business Framework for Russia
PERI planned and managed a $725,000 project sponsored by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and administered by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to develop the business, legal, and regulatory framework for wind power in Russia. The funding was provided through a Russian engineering firm. Goals of the project were to: (1) develop the legislative and regulatory framework and model agreements for wind power in Russia, (2) to move an initial 75 MW windpower project toward construction in Leningrad Oblast, and (3) to increase public awareness of the potential and value of grid-connected wind plants. Drawing on the experience and lessons learned from the commercial installation of wind power plants worldwide, the PERI project team prepared the model agreements for the Leningrad project based on similar U.S. and European examples. Model agreements and other products developed included:

Work products were documented in a nine volume report submitted to and approved by IFC. Results have been incorporated in the World Bank Renewable Energy Tool Kit for use in Russia and other countries and the first large scale wind power project is moving forward.

Armenia - Overcoming Legal and Regulatory Barriers
Under a sub contact to Tetra Tech funded by United States Agency for International Development, PERI engineers are assisting the government of Armenia in evaluation and developing its abundant renewable energy resources in order to reduce its dependence on imported natural gas and aging nuclear and fossil energy power plants. Work has included: wind and solar resource assessments and market projection, tariff structuring, developing grid interconnection standards, preparation of a model wind power purchase agreement and conducting a wide range of technology and business training seminars. Drawing on our sustainable energy project development experience in the US, Russia, and other countries, PERI provide detailed technical, economic and business information to local power companies, regulators, technical institutes, academia and local businesses. Reports and seminars were presented in English and translated into Armenian and Russian. Please follow links to wind potential and legal reports to view the wind energy potential in Armenia and strategy to overcome legal and regulatory barriers. All reports are located on the Assistance to the Energy Sector of Armenia to Strengthen Energy Security and Regional Integration (ARMESRI) site under Task 2.

Task2 Renewable Energy Development Strategy and Power System Integration:
Wind Development_Legal_Eng.pdf (and in Armenian)
Wind Potential Report_Eng.pdf (and in Armenian)
Solar Energy Connection Standard_ENG.pdf (and in Armenian)
Model Wind Power Purchase Agreement (WPPA).pdf
Policy for Developing an Improved WPPA for Armenia.pdf
Overview on solar electric power in buildings.pdf (and in Armenian)

Offshore Wind Technology
For U.S. Department of Energy, PERI is analyzing methods for overcoming barriers to the development of wind power in the mid-Atlantic region. Potential installations of wind plants in shallow sheltered waters of regional bay and sounds are being compared to ocean and land-based applications in Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, and District of Columbia. The study will define technical, economic, regulatory and policy issues that have been impeding the development of wind energy in mid-Atlantic region and to identify mechanisms for overcoming or mitigating those barriers. Click here for a summary presentation.

Least Cost Generation Plan - Armenia
As a member of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sponsored team, PERI contributed to the development of a Least Cost Generation Plan (LCGP) for the government of Armenia. The plan considered various resources including
natural gas, renewable, and nuclear energy and generation technologies for meeting Armenia's projected demand through 2035, emphasizing the actions needed to be taken in next two years. PERI's primary responsibility was to evaluate renewable energy resources and technologies applicable in Armenia and to develop capital and operating costs for these technologies for input to a computer model for scenario analysis. The renewable resources and technologies considered included wind power, anaerobic digesters for converting animal waste to syngas, hydropower, and solar energy. Furthermore, PERI conducted a critical review of model inputs including the projects capital and operating costs; financial and economic assumptions; and outputs for consistency, reasonableness, and accuracy.

Electric Power Restructuring, Ecuador
PERI personnel managed a $3.5 million, World Bank-funded contract to assist the Government of Ecuador to restructure the electric power sector. PERI personnel directed activities of subcontractors, consultants, and staff in Ecuador and in the U.S. in the preparation of 15 different reports including establishing and structuring regulatory bodies; preparing concession agreements; unbundling generation, distribution, and transmission assets; assessing financial viability of new generation, distribution and transmission business units; drafting dispatch, and wholesale and retail tariff regulations; and drafting government guaranty regulations which were adopted by the government of Ecuador.

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